Auto-Enrolment Pensions Compliance Is Now Subject To Spot Checks

If auto-enrolment pensions compliance is still causing you headaches and sleepless nights, it’s now more important than ever to get it sorted, and Wagemate is here to help.

As of July 2018, the Pensions Regulator announced new short-notice spot checks when it suspects an employer of not complying with auto-enrolment pensions rules.

The duties expected of employers do not stop with just joining a suitable pension scheme, but include:

  • Setting up an auto-enrolment pension scheme if you have just one or more employees.
  • Calculating employee and employer contributions and paying in the minimum amount.
  • Monitoring employee earnings and ages on an ongoing basis.
  • Dealing with join/leave requests from members of your auto-enrolment pension scheme.
  • Re-enrolling former members as appropriate.
  • Keeping suitable records to prove you have met your legal duties.

With an estimated cost of nearly £9,000 for microbusinesses to join an appropriate auto-enrolment pension scheme, and employer contributions of 3% of the employee’s salary from April 2019, anything you can do to ensure compliance while reducing admin costs can only be a good thing.

How Wagemate can help with auto-enrolment pensions compliance

Wagemate’s outsourced auto-enrolment pensions service takes the stress, time and cost out of setting up and managing a small business auto-enrolment scheme.

If you need us to take total control of your scheme, that’s fine. Or if there’s just one part you feel like you need help with, we can handle that as an outsourced finance service that links up seamlessly with the parts you handle in-house.

Some of the areas we can manage on your behalf include:

  • Setting up auto-enrolment pensions. Including importing existing payroll data and verifying compliance from day one.
  • Employee enrolment. Adding new starters to the scheme, monitoring employee ages and earnings, managing opt-in and opt-out requests.
  • Calculating auto-enrolment contributions. Including making payment transfers via BACS and submitting relevant data to the pension scheme provider.
  • Employee communication. Including online access so employees can see the contributions they have made and easily opt out of the scheme if they choose.
  • Reports and support. Meeting your records-keeping commitment and providing support when you need it on 03330 102 102 or via

Is it worth it?

In one recent case, a healthcare provider in Birmingham was fined £20,000 for failing to comply with auto-enrolment pensions duties, and for submitting misleading data to the Pensions Regulator.

Over the past year, spot checks have been carried out nationwide, and if you have already been given an escalating penalty notice for non-compliance, you are at even higher risk of a second, short-notice spot check after July 2018.

If you are not compliant with auto-enrolment but have not yet been caught – take the chance now to do something about it before you land a hefty fine.

Wagemate is here for business auto-enrolment compliance whether or not you have received a penalty notice in the past – just email or call us on 03330 102 102 and let us get you compliant before it’s too late.


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